Emergency Procedures

If you suspect that you have come foul of a submarine cable the following action should be taken

1. If weights are excessive and you suspect you are fast to a cable, DO NOT endanger your vessel and crew by attempting to recover your gear.

2. Carefully plot your ship's position as accurately as possible, checking for any cables that may be close to your position. The Kingfisher Information Services Cable Awareness charts (KISCA) show all in-service cables and the cable maintenance company for each.

3. Advise your coastguard station of your situation OR if your coastguard is not obtainable call the emergency number of the cable maintenance company concerned and state that an incident is occurring concerning an underwater or Submarine Telecommunications cable.

If you feel you may have a claim for compensation for loss of gear you should contact the appropriate authority within 24 hours of arrival in port.

Full particulars of the incident should be given and full details recorded in the official log, including the date and exact time. The vessel's position at the time of the incident. The depth of water and a description of the cable if sighted.

For Emergency Numbers Please Refer to the 'Emergency Procedures' page on the KIS-ORCA Website

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